Superintendent Loses 10 lbs in 19 Days: A School Leader’s Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle

As a busy school superintendent/principal/father, my days are often filled with endless responsibilities, juggling the needs of the school, staff, students, and home. Amidst the demanding schedule, I realized that my health was taking a backseat. Determined to make a positive change, I embarked on a weight loss journey that yielded incredible results – shedding 10 lbs in just 19 days. Today, I want to share my experience and the lessons I learned with fellow educators who might be struggling to prioritize their health.

  1. Embracing a Manageable Diet Routine

Knowing that counting calories wasn’t a viable option with my hectic schedule, I focused on establishing a diet routine that was both sustainable and effective. Mornings began with a quick whey protein shake to kickstart my day, while keeping me satiated until lunchtime. When hunger struck before noon, I reached for fruits as a wholesome and refreshing snack.

Lunch was a hearty salad filled with a colorful array of vegetables and a protein source. Not only did it keep me full throughout the afternoon, but it also fueled me for the challenges of the day. My evening meal was centered around high-protein choices such as eggs and low-fat turkey sausage, steering clear of carbohydrates to avoid the infamous energy crash.

  1. The Power of Goal-Oriented Motivation

Leading a school comes with its fair share of challenges and stress, and my weight loss goal offered me a much-needed sense of motivation and focus. By setting a specific target of losing weight before an upcoming cruise vacation, I had a tangible goal that pushed me to stay disciplined.

Having previously won a weight loss challenge at a local nutrition shop, I understood the immense impact of setting goals and celebrating achievements. This experience reaffirmed my belief in the power of personal goals to drive us toward success, both in our professional and personal lives.

  1. Reaping the Rewards of a Healthier Lifestyle

In the past, I had attempted weight loss regimens that left me feeling fatigued and depleted. However, this time, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I had more energy than ever before. My improved diet, focused on nutrient-dense foods, seemed to be the key factor behind my enhanced vitality.

As a busy educator, I realized that taking care of my health was not just a personal endeavor but essential for leading my school effectively. Feeling more energetic, focused, and confident, I found myself tackling daily challenges with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.


As an educator and school leader, I am well aware of the demands and pressures that accompany the role. However, my weight loss journey has taught me the importance of self-care and prioritizing health even amidst a busy schedule.

While my experience may not be the solution for everyone, I hope that sharing my story can inspire fellow educators to find manageable ways to prioritize their well-being. Nourishing ourselves with healthier choices, setting personal goals, and celebrating every milestone can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life, both within and beyond the school walls. Let us all strive for a brighter, healthier future, not just for our schools but for ourselves as well.

You made it this far… Learn about how I eat my daily salad at school while avoiding the staff refrigerator: School Lunch Chronicles: Avoiding the Staff Refrigerator, Salad Adventures, and Lunchtime Heroes

Before embarking on any weight loss journey or making significant dietary changes, it is essential to consult a medical professional. This post details my personal experience and is not intended to be health advice.

Posted by Josh Peete

* Superintendent / Principal since 2010 * Teacher since 2003 * M.Ed. Admin.